Groups & organisations

  • Talks & workshops

    Tailored to the needs of your business, organisation or team, I offer talks and workshops on a range of topics. From healthy habits to sustainable food choices, I offer practical tips and tools to create positive change for both people and planet.

  • PB&J (plant-based & joy)

    Have you watched a Netflix documentary or read about the many amazing benefits of a plant-based lifestyle but not sure how or where to start? I can help navigate the ingredients and recipes to find meals that you (and your family) will love.

Groups & organisations

We’re at our best when we are living, eating and moving consciously - we have the physical and mental energy to be focused and productive. There are many simple, healthy habits that we can create to support us in our professional, personal and sporting lives. The good news is, these healthy habits are not only good for us, they’re also good for the environment. I offer talks, workshops and one-to-support that can be delivered in-person or online. Based in sound data and research, I provide practical advice on how to implement into the everyday.


01 — Talks

Whether your focus is health and wellbeing, the environment or both, I can tailor a talk (or series of talks) to meet the needs of your organisation.

02 — Workshops

We often take in more information by doing. Using a variety of practical activities and exercises, I can create a bespoke workshop (or series of workshops) to meet the needs of your organisation.

03 — One-to-one support

Everybody’s circumstances and needs are different. Using the approach of my bespoke health coaching programme, I can provide ongoing support to individual members of your team, helping them to make changes in the areas most important to them.

“I have developed a different outlook on life in general and have changed habits to give me a healthier lifestyle - both physically and mentally.”

— Nick

PB&J (plant-based and joy)

Transitioning to a more plant-based lifestyle does not have to be all or nothing. Whether it’s one meal a month, day or week, the most important thing is to go at your own pace and know that every plant-based meal makes a difference to you, and to the planet. We start with where you are and work our way towards where you want to be, one easy switch at a time. You set the priorities and I’ll work with you sharing recipes, tips, and techniques that have transitioned my family* and I to being plant-based.

(*My husband and kids are mostly plant-based, I believe food is a personal choice).


01 — Free introductory session

Let’s get to know each other! What’s motivating you to move a more plant-based lifestyle; health, environment, animal welfare, all of the above? What’s your ambition when it comes to change? Is this change for you or others as well? Getting clear on where you are, helps us to create a plan for what future sessions would focus on.

02 — Real food

Plant-based/vegan food and lifestyles can have a bad rep, that’s only when they’re not done properly - highly processed foods or imbalanced nutrients won’t give you energy or vitality, whether you eat meat or not. My focus is on real, whole plant foods, minimally processed and life giving, without compromise on flavour.

03 — Tried and tested

We meet regularly over six sessions - in person or online - to identify and discuss the area of focus e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, dairy etc. I have a wealth of resources to draw on, from cookbooks, food bloggers and functional medicine practitioners, to support with plant-based recipes, data and research.

“I am now on a journey that I can continue on my own to achieve my ultimate goals. I feel that I have let go of my all or nothing approach to both exercise and eating a plant based diet and am happy to slowly change over time. This is quite a mindset change for me.”

— Liz